WE, the students of the Department of Economics and other affiliated disciplines in Nile University of Nigeria, having FIRMLY and solemnly resolved to consolidate the unity of the entire body of Economics and other related disciplines with a view of promoting our general welfare for the purpose of effective utilization of educational and cultural resources of Nigeria under proper control, HEREBY make, enact and give to ourselves the following constitution.



Subsection 1: Title

This Constitution shall be known and cited as the Constitution of the Nile University Economics Students’ Association (NUESA). Hereinafter referred to as “THE CONSTITUTION”

Subsection 2: Name

There shall be established, a chapter body to be known, called and addressed as the Nile University Economics Students’ Association – NUESA  (hereinafter referred to as the Association, NUESA), and shall be constituted in accordance with the provisions of this constitution.

Subsection 3: Supremacy

Subject to the general regulations of Nile University and the Federal Republic of Nigeria, this constitution shall be supreme and its provisions shall have biding force on all members of the Association.

Any law, norm, custom of anybody , authority or persons under NUESA, which is not in compliance with the provisions of this constitution, shall to the extent of this incompliance be null and void.

Subsection 4: How to Be Addressed As a Member

A member of this Association is to be addressed as a “NESAITE”.



Subsection 1: Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of the Association shall be:

To serve as a forum to bringing together all undergraduates and postgraduates students of Economics in Nile University of Nigeria.

To bridge the communication gap between students of Economics and related disciplines and lecturers on one hand, and other formal Economic organizations, groups, or ministries on the other hand;

To promote research in order to ensure efficiency in learning and understanding of Economics discipline;

To participate in governmental, non-governmental, regional and international activities in order to ensure economic progress of Nigeria, Africa and the World at large;

To protect the interest of the members of the Association.



Subsection 1:

The Association shall comprise of three (3) arms. Namely;

Executive Council


Policy Analysis and Research Group (PARG)



Subsection 1: Classes of Members

The Association shall consist of the following classes of members:

Ordinary members

Honorary members, and

Life members.

Subsection 2: Ordinary Membership

Ordinary members shall include;

All Economics student duly registered with the school.

An ordinary member shall have the privilege to:

Use the facilities and equipment of the Association;

Use the official colour and emblem/logo of the Association;

Participate in recognized meetings and functions of the Association;

Vote and be voted for at approved elections of the Association.

Subsection 3: Honorary Members

A person shall qualify to be honoured with honorary membership of the Association if he is deemed fit by reason of his interest in students’ welfare and academic matters, and has made significant contributions to the advancement of academic and economic development in the country;

Honorary membership shall be conferred by the Executive Council in consultation and approval of the NUESA governing body;

Any person conferred with honorary membership shall be awarded a Certificate of Honorary Membership of NUESA, which shall be duly signed by the Vice Chancellor and the Head of Department;

A honorary member shall have the privilege to:

Use the facilities of the Association;

Use the official colour and emblem/logo of the Association;

Participate in recognized meetings and official functions of the Association, but shall exercise no voting right nor shall be voted for.

Play an advisory role for the development of the association.

Subsection 4: Life Membership

A person shall be qualified to be a life member of the Association by reason of his past activities in the service of the Association or in appreciation of his role in the society;

A past member of the Association shall be appointed a life member by the Executive Council in consultation and approval of the NUESA Senate;

A life member shall be entitled to the same privileges and rights of an honorary member, also, he shall neither vote nor be voted for.



Subsection 1: Sources of Funds


The revenue of the Association shall include dues, registration fees and profits from its legitimate activities;

Chapter dues shall be an amount approved by the Head of Department in consultation with and approval of the Senate.


The Association shall accept aids, grants and gifts from government, organizations, students and individuals, provided that such donations shall not in any way undermine the policy and objectives of the Association;

The Association may organize fund raising activities in consultation with and approval of the Senate.

Subsection 2: Expenditure of Association Funds.


The liabilities of the Association shall include;

Expenses in respect of approved functions and activities of the Association;

Other expenses as may, from time to time be approved by the Senate in accordance with the provisions of this constitution.

Disbursement of Association Funds

The disbursement of any fund (as stipulated in the budget) of the Association shall be duly authorized at any time under the signatures of the president and the Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be empowered to keep a minimum balance of twenty thousand naira (#20,000.00) only in the Association’s account.

The president in consultation with the Executive Council shall have power to specify the type of bills that shall be honoured in absence;

Pay vouchers for all withdrawal, by the Treasurer.

All vouchers shall be signed by the appropriate officers, the Treasurer and counter-signed by the president before payment is made.

Subsection 3: Budget

The Executive Council through the President of the Association shall present to the Senate an annual budget showing estimated income and expenditure for the year;

All expenditure shall fall within the budget approved by the Senate;

The Senate shall keep a copy of the approved budget for oversight function(s);

The annual budget shall not, after its approval by the Senate, be amended, except through an appropriation bill sent to the Senate for approval;

The Association shall establish a sinking fund to stabilize its finances – at least five percent (5%) of the Association income, shall be kept in the sinking fund per annum. This shall be kept in a fixed deposit account in any of the commercial banks in Nigeria – in consultation with the Senate and General Assembly.

Withdrawal from the sinking account shall be done on approval of the Senate.



Subsection 1: Functions Of The Executive Council

The Executive Council shall carry out the day-to-day running of the association and shall be responsible to the Senate.

The Executive Council shall implement all programs and activities of the Association.

The Executive Council shall within twenty-one (21) days of its inauguration prepare and present to the Senate its proposed annual budget for consideration and approval. If at the expiration of twenty-one (21) days the Executive Council fails to submit the proposed annual budget to the Senate, disbursement of association funds as provided for under Section 12(2) of this Constitution shall cease forthwith.

Subject to the approval of the Senate, the Executive Council shall seek concessions, grants and aids from within or outside the Association, enter into such contracts and agreements and carry out such duties as may be necessary in the interest of the Association.

The Executive Council shall organize an Annual Association Week.

The Executive Council shall prepare and present a terminal report to the Senate for consideration and approval not later than thirty (30) days before the expiration of its tenure.

The Senate shall within seven (7) days of receiving the report, consider and return same to the Executive Council.

Subsection 2: Composition of the Executive Council

Members of the Executive Council shall be as follows:


Vice- President



Public Relation Officer (PRO I)

Assistant Public Relation Officer (PRO II)


Director of Socials

Events Coordinator

Sports Director

Subsection 3: Functions of the Executive Officers


The President shall:

Be the head of the Association and Executive Council

Be responsible for coordinating the activities of other officers of the Executive Council

Preside at all meetings of the Executive Council

Be a signatory to the Association’s account

Has power to refer disputes bordering on insubordination, abuse of office and dereliction of duty within the Executive Council to the Senate after due query and warning has been issued to the executive officer concerned.

Be a student representative in the Students Disciplinary Committee constituted by the association except when found guilty.

Supervise all activities of the Association.

Represent the Association on any invitation to the Association.

Exercise all such powers and carry out all other duties as are allocated to him under other Sections of this constitution.


The Vice-President shall:

Assist the President in his duties and act in his absence

Receive and treat complaints in consultation with the President.

Perform any other duties that may be assigned by the Executive President


The Secretary-General shall:

Keep attendance register, minutes and records of the Executive Council meetings in a proper and up-to-date manner

Convene the Executive Council and General Assembly meetings at the request of the Executive President

Except in respect of financial matters be a signatory to all correspondence of the Association

On the advice and approval of the Executive Council compile a comprehensive terminal report of the activities of the Council to the Senate and General Assembly respectively and thereafter present same through the President to the Senate and the General Assembly.


The Editor-in-Chief shall

Be the Chairman of the Publication Committee which shall be responsible for the publication of the Association’s annual magazine and other periodicals

Be in charge of creating an Editorial Board and overseeing all editors

Handle fact-checking, spelling, evaluating and editing of articles and publications by the Association.

Have the final say on all letters drafted by the Association

Be in charge of constitution amendment if there is any need for it

Perform other duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive President


The Public Relation Officer shall

Be the official mouthpiece of the Association

In consultation with the President and/or the Executive Council, carry out the internal and external publicity of the Association activities

Through appropriate releases with the approval of the Executive Council, encourage members to live up to the fundamental objectives and directive principles of the Association policies

Carry out duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive Council


The treasurer shall:

Monitor the payment of annual dues of the Association into specified bank account(s) in consultation with the Senate and the General Assembly

Be responsible to the Executive Council, Senate and the General Assembly for disbursement of the approved expenditure

Keep statutory books of accurate and up-to-date financial accounts of the Association

Make the statutory books of account available to auditors ( A Senate Committee in this respect or NES) on demand

Present an annual audited account of the Association to the Senate and the General Assembly through the Executive President

Ensure that no member of the Executive Council exceeds the approved budget for his office

Keep an imprest account as determined by the Senate

Carry out other duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive President

Make deposits in respect of all cash received by him within forty-eight (48) hours into the Association’s authorized Bank Account of such receipts, and for such purposes keep appropriate books of accounts

Be the Vice-Chairman of the Finance/Budget Committee that may be constituted in accordance with the constitution


The Director of Socials shall:

Be the Chairman of the Social Committee of the Association

Be in charge of all social and cultural activities of the Association

Take custody and maintain proper inventory of all audio-visual equipment of the Association

Along with the President, direct Orientation or Welcome Week organized by the Association

Remit the proceeds from shows, promotions, concerts and related activities organized by the Association to the Treasurer forty-eight (48) hours before or after the activity

Perform other duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive President


The Events Coordinator shall;

Be the Chairman of the Event Coordination team of the Association

Handle all matters relating to event planning and organizing every aspect of an event, conference or excursions relating to the Association

Perform other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Executive President


The Sports Director shall

Handle all affairs sports related within the Association

Be a champion of encouraging the spirit of sportsmanship within the Association

Be in charge of recruiting athletes in case there is need for them

Perform other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Executive President



Subsection 1: Introduction and Functions

There shall be a law making body of the association known as the “NUESA Senate” which herein shall be addressed as “THE SENATE.” It shall be the legislative arm of the association.

Senate members will be selected officials and class representatives of each level.

The senate shall ensure that all NUESA activities are in line with this constitution.

The senate shall have the power to monitor the financial activities of the executives.

Subsection 2: Composition of the Senate House

The NUESA Senate House shall have as its members, the Senate Presidents/appointed representatives of each level and selected NUESA officials

The Senate shall comprise of the following principal officers:

Senate President

Deputy Senate President


Mace Bearer

Chief Whip

Subsection 3: Functions of the Principal Officers


The senate president shall preside over all the meetings of the senate.

The senate president shall through the clerk convene all meetings of the senate.


The deputy senate president shall assist the senate president

Shall act in the capacity of the senate president in his absence


The clerk shall manage the secretary duties of the senate; issue communique’ and resolution adopted by the senate after each sitting.


Shall lead all senate procession with the mace which is the symbol of authority of the senate house

Shall ensure the safe keep of the mace


The chief whip at all times shall ensure that peace and orderliness reign in any gathering of members of the senate.

Subsection 4: Senate In-house Election

The senate shall within the very day of its new composition at a NUESA meeting, elect among themselves, the senate president, the deputy senate president, the clerk, the mace bearer, and chief whip under the supervision of the electoral commission.

Subsection 5: Funds

The senate shall prepare their annual budget to be passed alongside the budget of the executives at its corresponding level.

The senate can derive funds from sponsorship and other legal means.


2/3 Majority of the senate can pass a bill into law if the executive president continually refuses to sign it for at least three (3) weeks after its presentation to the executive president.



Subsection 1: Composition and Functions

A meeting of all Nesaites known as a “General Assembly” shall be organize by the executive president

The general assembly of NUESA shall comprise of all economics students in Nile University. The agenda of the general assembly (NUESA ) is to be decided by the executive council which must include the presentation of the year’s financial report – copies of the financial report are to be made available to all members interested in having one.

Subsection 2: Protocol

The hierarchical order of procession shall be as follows:

The Executive President

The Vice President

The Senate President

Secretary General

Assistant Secretary General



Public Relation Officer

Director of Socials

Events Coordinator

Sports Director

Any other former office holder



Subsection 1: Aims and Objectives

This is an independent body aimed at promoting academic excellence and research culture amongst undergraduates of Economics as a discipline. The NUESA constitution recognizes it to encourage all Nesaites in their academic pursuit and research inclined.

Subsection 2: Membership

Members of PARG are those who have acquired and fulfilled the requirements in its membership form




Subsection 1: Conduct of the Association Body Election

Every election must be conducted at the venue organized by the association

The Head of Department appoints the Chairman of the electoral commission in consultation with the NUESA Senate House

Subsection 2: Electoral Commission

  1. 1. The electoral commission shall comprise of seven (7) members.
  2. Shall have as its chairman a NUESA alumni who has been to at least one (1) NESA conference.
  1. The chairman shall be appointed at NUESA Executive Committee (NEC)- comprising of all the NUESA officials- meeting with 2/3 of the school consenting.
  1. Shall in absence of an alumni have as its chairman somebody that has served at least once in the committee in time past.
  1. Shall have its members selected from all levels in the department (a student from each level).
  1. Shall have a secretary as appointed by the members of the committee.
  1. Shall have the chairman dismiss and call for replacement any member who is taking his/her interest personal rather than looking at issues with the interest and welfare of the association at heart.
  1. Shall remove the chairman where he/she is selective, partial, and enforcing his/her self interest.
  1. Shall in a situation where the chairman is dismissed have the secretary assume the position and a new secretary appointed.

Subsection 3: Candidates’ (Aspirants) Eligibility

  1. 1. Shall be a regular student (not spill-over student) in Nile University of Nigeria registered with the association studying Economics.
  1. Shall have a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.5 for the positions of the President and Vice President;3.0 for Secretary, and other positions respectively.
  1. Should have attended at least one (1) conference by either NESA, Nigerian Economic Society, National Association of Energy Economics, or any professional body the association is affiliated to.
  1. Shall have a letter of introduction from the department signed by the Head of Department or Staff Adviser stating his/her competence.
  1. Shall not campaign with bill boards, posters or fliers.
  2. Shall pay a fine of N 10,000 or face the penalty of disqualification by the Electoral Commission
  1. Shall prepare a manifesto which shall be presented during the candidates’ debate which shall hold prior to the election proper.
  2. A candidate shall be deemed elected by obtaining a simple majority of votes cast.

Subsection 4: Electorates (Those eligible to vote)

  1. Shall comprise of students from each level present in a conference.
  1. Shall all have a copy of their school identity cards.
  1. Shall have any school discovered in malpractice of delegates disenfranchised.
  1. Shall see and take as malpractice any act of using students from other department.

Subsection 5: Voting

  1. All members of NUESA are eligible to vote on presentation of the following
  2. Old students (returning students); school I.D Card

iii. New students (in the absence of a school I.D Card); school fees receipts

  1. Voting shall be by simple open-secret ballot system
  2. It shall be noted that campaign stops twenty-four (24) hours to the election
  3. Posters for election must be totally on black and white format.
  4. No incentives or any form of material inducement(s) is allowed.
  5. The campaign must be of very low cost in all ramifications.

Subsection 6: Tenure of Office

Every elective office is for one academic session

All elections must conducted within the Departmental premises.

Subsection 7: Electoral Board Members

The Senate shall present the list of electoral board members to the Head of Department for screening and approval.

Composition: There shall be a NUESA Electoral Commission (NEC) for comprising of five (5) members.

The electoral commission shall have powers to make electoral rules and regulations.

Where the last executive is dissolved, an election shall be conducted within two weeks of the vacation of the office.

The members of the electoral commission shall hold office for one academic session.

Resignation from the electoral commission shall be made in writing to the NUESA executive council and approved by the Senate.



Subsection 1: Code of Conduct For Association Members

It shall be the duty of officers and members of the Association to adhere strictly to the provisions of the constitution, as failure to do so shall attract appropriate sanction(s).

Offences shall include:

A breach of any provision of this Constitution.

Acting in a manner likely to bring the name of the Association to ridicule, disrepute and contempt.

Fraudulent or dishonest practices, which are likely to embarrass or disgrace the Association.

Disclosing confidential matters of the Association without the authority to do so.

Subversion of the activities of the Association.

Any unlawful or arbitrary act prejudicial to the right of any person.

Subsection 2: Code of Conduct of Executive Council of the


An officer of the Association should not be in a position where his interest conflict with his duties and responsibilities of the Association.

No officer of the Association shall accept any inducement or bribe for the discharge of his duties.

Any officer of the Association shall not abuse his office.

Dereliction of duty shall constitute an offence on the part of an officer of the Association.

Gross incompetence shall constitute an offence.

An officer of the Association shall not do or direct to be done in the abuse of his abuse any arbitrary act of prejudice to the right of any person/member of the Association.

Calling, governing or presiding over a meeting of the Association without authority as provided for in this Constitution by an officer of the Association shall constitute an offence.

Subsection 3: Sanctions

The form of sanction, which shall depend on the seriousness of the particular offence, shall include;



Refund or Restitution

Suspension from Office

Suspension from the Association

Debarring from holding office.

Subsection 4: Impeachment/Suspension/Removal from Office

The holder of any Executive/Senate/ position in the Association may, without prejudice to any provision of this constitution be relieved of his office whenever a notice of impeachment of misconduct, malpractice, abuse of office, dereliction of duty, gross incompetence or maladministration signed by not less than one third (1/3) of the Senate members is made in writing or in any form such as text messages or mails (showing the Senator’s full name and registration number). Details of the allegations shall be provided.

The Senate President shall within 7 days of awareness of such notice cause a written copy, text message or mail to be served the holder of the office and each member of the Senate.

The Senate President shall within seven (7) days of receipt of such allegation cause investigation by constituting a committee except the Senate President is also an aide/or involve in the act – in which case, the Deputy Senate President shall take charge

The committee shall submit its report within a stipulated time agreed by the Senate.

An officer whose conduct is under investigation shall depending on the gravity of the allegation stand suspended from the time the notice or report is laid before the Senate until the determination of the case.

Any office holder impeached, the assistant automatically comes up as the new (main) officer holder – and in a case of the assistant been impeached, the (main) office holder stands as the sole administrator of the duties of the office.



Subsection 1: Commencement and Review of the Constitution

This Constitution shall come into force with effect from …………… academic session.

Subsection 2: Amendment

Any Section of this Constitution shall be subject to amendment upon a resolution passed by two-third members of the Senate.

Any Section of this Constitution shall only be amended at a duly constituted meeting of the l Senate House.

Subsection 3: Right of Association Members to a Copy of this


A member of the Association shall be entitled to a copy of this Constitution subject to his induction into the Association.

Subsection 4: Awards

At the end of an academic session, the Executive Council shall on behalf of the Association issue a certificate of merit, plaques or any form of award to deserving members, patrons and patroness who served the Association faithfully.



I …………………………………….. do solemnly swear that I will be faithful and bear the allegiance to Nile Universtiy Economics Students’ Association. That as …………………………… to the Association I will discharge my duties to the best of my ability, faithfully and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Association in the Constitution and the law and always in the interest of the integrity, solidarity, well-being and prosperity of the Association, that I will strive to protect the aims and objective and rules and regulations in accordance with the Association’s Constitution, that I will not allow my personal interest to influence my official conduct or decision. That I will be fair to members of the Association according to the laws of the land without fear or favour, affection or ill-will. That I will not directly or indirectly communicate or reveal to any person any matter which for the interest of the Association is confidential, as may be required by consensus of the officers, discharge of my duties as ………………… of the association and that I will devote myself to the service and well-being of the Association and all members of the Association, so help me God.

Amended On

23rd November, 2017

Under The Supervision of The Editor-In-Chief

Rahma Suleiman Baba